The Unhinged Biz Podcast + Newsletter
Unhinged Biz Podcast
Ariana Refsdal on wealth mindset, international travel, and Big Santa Energy

Ariana Refsdal on wealth mindset, international travel, and Big Santa Energy

How to create a business that supports your dream life, no matter what that looks like for you.

Episode Summary:

In this episode, you’ll hear how Ariana:

⚡️ Creates offers that feel exciting and in alignment with her goals

⚡️ Intentionally takes on projects that let her travel simultaneously

⚡️ Builds supportive relationships with other business owners

About Ariana:

Ariana is a Certified Online Business Manager and Aligned Business Strategist who specializes in creating structure out of chaos. Her approach centers around enhancing existing processes through organization, optimization, and automation. She does this while simultaneously identifying what is happening under the surface that needs to be improved on, in order for the business to thrive and feel deeply fulfilling. Whether you need strategy consultations, targeted projects to elevate a specific aspect of the business, or continuous Online Business Manager support, Ariana has you covered.


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The Unhinged Biz Podcast + Newsletter
Unhinged Biz Podcast
It's like you're eavesdropping on a couple business owners sharing experiences, trying new things, and ignoring what they're "supposed to do". Listen in and grab yourself a big ol' scoop of f*ck around and find out.