The Unhinged Biz Podcast + Newsletter
Unhinged Biz Podcast
Restaurant virgin

Restaurant virgin

How to write and organize your website with gorg UX

Welcome to the first mini episode of The Unhinged Biz Podcast.

It’s an Unhinged Coffee Chat!

In this solo episode, you’ll learn exactly what your website user experience has to do with the anxiety I experience right before I go to a new restaurant. Luckily, this is totally avoidable when you’re creating your own site (or any courses, products, etc.) when you have the right strategy behind it.

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The Unhinged Biz Podcast + Newsletter
Unhinged Biz Podcast
It's like you're eavesdropping on a couple business owners sharing experiences, trying new things, and ignoring what they're "supposed to do". Listen in and grab yourself a big ol' scoop of f*ck around and find out.